Wednesday 20 January 2016

Website format research

In order to promote my final trailer I have decided to create a website a long with a magazine promotional poster. I feel that with social media being a very popular form of promotion this will be a great way to get people to find out about my trailer.
I have done a lot of research into film websites and feel that I have now learnt the codes and conventions of what to put on a website. I have also discovered the website wix which I will be using to create my website. This is a free, simple website which is available online to use. The first thing that I did was choose the layout of type of website that I was going to create. I knew that I needed my main trailer to appear as soon as someone clicks on the website so this is why I choose the layout that I did.
At first I found it really hard to use the website and I did not understand the format lay out and how to get from one section to another. It took  me a couple of times to create this website as I kept deleting it and starting it again as I was not happy with what I had done. However I then managed to understand how to use the website and then began uploading all of the features to my website.
It took me hours to final complete my website however I am really pleased with my over all website and the features that it has on it. I decided to use my research in deciding what features have on the website. The final title I came up with was HOME - TICKETS - GALLERY - ABOUT - UPDATES.
By creating this website it allowed me to keep the audience updated in telling them the latest updates. I also then allowed them to be able to buy tickets, find out about the poster and then also post all of the latest updates.

Finally I then made sure that I had different form of social media pages. The first page that I created was a Facebook page. Shortly after this I then created a Instagram and Twitter page. I did all of this as I felt like it was a great form of promotion and I could also use them in order to post the latest updates about my final blog.

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