Thursday 21 January 2016

Poster edit; Progress Log

I have looked through all of my photos which I have taken over the course of filming this project. This is my favourite photo and also the photo which sums up my overall trailer. The main character 'Megan' is looking directly into the camera she looks really innocent but she also looks scared at the same time. In the background if the audience looks closely there is also someone legs in the background. I feel that this photo is really effective because it shows that the girl is in trouble. 

However I have now edited this photo by using the editing software 'Instagram'. I used this software as I felt like it was the easiest software that I could use. I am really pleased with my edit overall and how the colours have all worked together. I felt that the picture looked the best in black and white because it linked in with the genre 'Thriller' I tested out the picture in different colours but I did not feel that it wasn't as effective as what I wanted it to look like. 

My poster edit is currently incomplete however this is what I have put together so far. I will then be doing some research into what a professional poster looks like and then I am going to follow the basic layout and make my poster similar. I am going to do this in order to make my poster look professional. 

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