Wednesday 20 January 2016

Photoshop editing

I am using the software photoshop to edit my movie poster. I have created a poster as I feel this is the best way in order to help promote my film 'Bad Blood' I had to use many different skills when using this software as I wanted my poster to look as professional as possible. The first thing I did was change the colour of the picture. I felt like having it black and white made it a lot more effective than having in its original colour. I also feel that it links in with the theme of a thriller and the feel of suspense and tension. I have then added all of the ending titles from the trailer onto the poster. I have done this as when researching posters I found that the majority of posters all had this on them. It also helps with the professional look of the poster. I have then placed the title 'Bad Blood' in the bottom right hand corner in order for people to easily see what the title of the film is called. I did this by print screening it from my trailer and then removing the background. This took me a long time as I wanted it to look as clear as possible. I placed the font over the white part of the picture as then it can easily be read by people. Finally I then added a rating onto the poster with a quote from the New York Times meaning people can get a good impression of the film overall. 

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