Thursday 28 January 2016


We have now created our social media accounts! Come and check us out by clicking on the link and finding out the latest news to do with Bad Blood !!


Wednesday 27 January 2016


This is my Bad Blood bloopers video! I used iMovie to create this as it was quick and simple to make. Since making my official trailer I have managed to easily understand how to use iMovie meaning I had no problems making this short video. Instead of creating this video from scratch I used the 'trailer' option on iMovie itself meaning it had also provided me with the basic outline of what to put in the video. This meant that all the transactions had been put in different places for me and the music had already been selected. 

I really like this video as I feel like it is showing the audience how much fun we all had when filming and producing the trailer. I also have included clips of getting on the aeroplane and flying to Dubai which was amazing. I have also included many different outtakes in this video which I did not include in my final trailer as I felt like they did not fit in with it and they also could have made it look unprofessional. However I am really pleased with this short video and I will also be posting it on all my social media accounts that I have created for 'BAD BLOOD' meaning the audience can see it. 

Thursday 21 January 2016

Poster edit; Progress Log

I have looked through all of my photos which I have taken over the course of filming this project. This is my favourite photo and also the photo which sums up my overall trailer. The main character 'Megan' is looking directly into the camera she looks really innocent but she also looks scared at the same time. In the background if the audience looks closely there is also someone legs in the background. I feel that this photo is really effective because it shows that the girl is in trouble. 

However I have now edited this photo by using the editing software 'Instagram'. I used this software as I felt like it was the easiest software that I could use. I am really pleased with my edit overall and how the colours have all worked together. I felt that the picture looked the best in black and white because it linked in with the genre 'Thriller' I tested out the picture in different colours but I did not feel that it wasn't as effective as what I wanted it to look like. 

My poster edit is currently incomplete however this is what I have put together so far. I will then be doing some research into what a professional poster looks like and then I am going to follow the basic layout and make my poster similar. I am going to do this in order to make my poster look professional. 

CREATING A WEBSITE; Progress Blog (Ancillary Task) 

I am currently in the progress of creating a website. I am using the website called WIX to put together this website. So far I am really pleased with how my website is coming across so far however it is not finished yet. When I have finished my trailer I will be placing this on the home page meaning when people click onto my website it will automatically come up. I really like this idea meaning people will hopefully get excited about what my website is going to look like.

Snippets from Instagram

We now also have our Instagram page up and running! Come and check us out

Snippets from our Facebook / Twitter page

Wednesday 20 January 2016

Progress Log: Photo editing-- BEFORE and AFTER



The first photo that I have edited is a photo of the Burj Khalifa in Dubai. The Burj Khalifa is actually the tallest building in the world which is why I think this would be a great idea for the front cover. I took this shot back in October when I went to Dubai. However I have now edited it to make it look a lot more professional and clearer. Before the colours in the photo are blended in together meaning it wasn't as clear, this is why I decided to put an effect on the picture. The picture has now been brightened up and contrasted a lot better. The Burj Khalifa also stands out a lot better meaning hopefully it will easily catch the readers attention. The dark background can also easily allow me to put font around it in order to make it look like a magazine. 



This photo was also taken in Dubai looking over the Dubai Marina. I used the software Instagram when editing this picture. The first thing I wanted to do with this image was to make the picture a lot more clearer. This means that it will be a lot easier for the readers to see what is in the background for example all of the amazing buildings. I then brightened the image up meaning it made the marina look a lot nicer. It also made the colours look amazing for example the blue colours in the background look really good. The fact that the girl is looking over out at sea can have many connotations which link in with my trailer. The readers could come up with many different ideas about what she is thinking about for example she could be thinking about where her parents are and why they have brought her here and if she is ever going to actually find them. But overall I am really pleased with the after image. 

Progess Blog; Photos

In order to promote my trailer I will creating a magazine, this means that I can provide the readers with a lot more information about what my trailer is about. I will be using a photo which I have taken in Dubai and then editing this photo. I am also going to be placing different sell lines around the magazine in order to entice people into wanting to find out what the trailer is about. But overall I am really pleased with the images I have selected and I am not going to start looking back at my previous research and editing my magazine front cover.

NEW NAME - Progress Log

I was never really happy with the title 'Orphan' I felt as if it did not suite the trailer I was creating and it did not make sense. After weeks and weeks of thinking I have finally come up with a name called 'BAD BLOOD' I am really pleased with the name of this trailer as it suites the trailer perfectly. My trailer is all about a young girl who is in search of finding her parents. The girl doesn't know anything about her parents but she is desperate to find out. But when she fly's to Dubai it is a trap and someone has brought her over here but the question is why do they want her and what are they going to do with her. This is why I feel that 'Bad Blood' fits this trailer perfectly as her parents clearly aren't nice people. 

Photoshop editing

I am using the software photoshop to edit my movie poster. I have created a poster as I feel this is the best way in order to help promote my film 'Bad Blood' I had to use many different skills when using this software as I wanted my poster to look as professional as possible. The first thing I did was change the colour of the picture. I felt like having it black and white made it a lot more effective than having in its original colour. I also feel that it links in with the theme of a thriller and the feel of suspense and tension. I have then added all of the ending titles from the trailer onto the poster. I have done this as when researching posters I found that the majority of posters all had this on them. It also helps with the professional look of the poster. I have then placed the title 'Bad Blood' in the bottom right hand corner in order for people to easily see what the title of the film is called. I did this by print screening it from my trailer and then removing the background. This took me a long time as I wanted it to look as clear as possible. I placed the font over the white part of the picture as then it can easily be read by people. Finally I then added a rating onto the poster with a quote from the New York Times meaning people can get a good impression of the film overall. 

Website format research

In order to promote my final trailer I have decided to create a website a long with a magazine promotional poster. I feel that with social media being a very popular form of promotion this will be a great way to get people to find out about my trailer.
I have done a lot of research into film websites and feel that I have now learnt the codes and conventions of what to put on a website. I have also discovered the website wix which I will be using to create my website. This is a free, simple website which is available online to use. The first thing that I did was choose the layout of type of website that I was going to create. I knew that I needed my main trailer to appear as soon as someone clicks on the website so this is why I choose the layout that I did.
At first I found it really hard to use the website and I did not understand the format lay out and how to get from one section to another. It took  me a couple of times to create this website as I kept deleting it and starting it again as I was not happy with what I had done. However I then managed to understand how to use the website and then began uploading all of the features to my website.
It took me hours to final complete my website however I am really pleased with my over all website and the features that it has on it. I decided to use my research in deciding what features have on the website. The final title I came up with was HOME - TICKETS - GALLERY - ABOUT - UPDATES.
By creating this website it allowed me to keep the audience updated in telling them the latest updates. I also then allowed them to be able to buy tickets, find out about the poster and then also post all of the latest updates.

Finally I then made sure that I had different form of social media pages. The first page that I created was a Facebook page. Shortly after this I then created a Instagram and Twitter page. I did all of this as I felt like it was a great form of promotion and I could also use them in order to post the latest updates about my final blog.

Tuesday 19 January 2016

Progress Log

I have already produced my first draft however I knew i needed to make a lot of changes in order to get it up to the professional level that I want it to be on. Today I have spent time learning how to use the majority of iMovie. I now feel a lot confident when editing my trailer and I am really pleased so far with some of the new clips I have been able to edit. Over the weekend I also filmed some more footage as I felt like I did not have enough clips. These clips have also helped in fitting all of the clips together and allowing my trailer to look more professional and make sense. However I am really pleased that I have managed to learn new skills and I am excited to edit the rest of my trailer.

Thursday 14 January 2016

Second Draft

I have now completed my second draft which I have now published on Youtube. I am now going to focus on my final touches and make my trailer look as professional as I can.

Monday 11 January 2016


Here is my very first attempt of my trailer, I have used the editing software called iMovie. I decided to use iMovie as I have previously used this editing software before meaning I know how to use some of the tools provided. However in order to get my trailer exactly how I wanted it to look I have spent hours and hours searching up how to use a certain tool on the internet. Even though it has taken me a lot of time I am really pleased with my first attempt. It has helped me in understanding where I need to make some final changes. I also feel that I need to take some more filming shots in order for the audience to actually understand the trailer itself. I am also going to include a lot more different camera shots in order for the trailer to look professional and for the audience to actually want to go and watch the film itself.

Friday 8 January 2016

Magazine Analysis

By doing a lot of research I have discovered that in order to promote a film to capture people's attention many people talk about the film in magazines. This is a great way to let the audience and the readers know about the type of film that is going to be released and what it is all about. It will give the audience an inside whether or not they want to go and watch the film. This is why I am going to create a magazine for my film which will have the character placed on the front cover. I also feel that it is a lot more effective if the character is looking directly into the audiences eyes as it is almost like the character is making them want to buy the magazine. The use of puff words and sell lines are also great in enticing people as not only can they read about the main film being promoted but they can also find out other information about all the latest films taking place.

Thursday 7 January 2016

My Inspiration

One of my biggest inspirations when coming up with my final trailer was the film 'Taken' This film is also a thriller film but when watching the trailer there is so much suspense in it which I really wanted to then try and create in my film. 
I tried to recreate some of the trailer in my trailer for example I loved the part in the trailer where the girl is hiding under the bed and then the men pull her out. This is a really tense moment which I wanted to put into my trailer. I felt like this part would look really good at the end of my trailer. I then followed the ideas of drugs and alcohol and then incorporated them into my trailer.