Friday 6 November 2015

Target Audience

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As the film is a thriller I think that younger people will cover a large amount of the population that will come and watch the film. This is because they might like films that give them an adrenaline rush as they do not know what is going to happen next. They also might like the thrill of really jumpy scenes which will give them a scare. The majority of people that took part in my survey which I created were 18 years old or younger. The majority of them also put that they preferred thriller films over horror films. I have also used the other results that I found in my survey monkey in my ideas for my final trailer. However I believe that the trailer will really attract the teenagers and make them want to come and watch the actual film. I also feel that middle aged people would be another target audience for my trailer. This is because they might really like films that are jumpy. They could also go and watch it with their family. Over all I believe that people who are aged between 15-45 years old will be the target audience for my film. This is because I feel that from watching the trailer they will want to find out what happens next. I also feel like the majority of people who go and watch thriller films are aged between this.   

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