Wednesday 25 November 2015

Risk Assessment

Using the software Microsoft Excel I have put together and completed a risk assessment. A risk assessment is when it is showing all the possible risks for a certain project or place. I have completed a risk assessment in order to assure that everyone that is participating in my final trailer knows exactly what the risks are when filming. However I have also provided them with the steps they need to follow in order for them to ensure that they are all safe and nothing goes wrong. In my graph I have highlighted the final box green and red. The green box is where all of the risks apply to my final trailer and then the red box is where they have nothing to do with my final trailer. 
As I will be filming in some very busy locations this means that there is a chance that I could lose someone. This is why this risk applies to my trailer. In order to make sure that everyone is safe before we go and film in these locations I am going to create a group chat with everyone in it. This means that everyone participating will have everyone’s numbers. So if a participant were to get lost from the group then we could call them so we know exactly where they are. I will also be providing all of the participants with a location to meet at if we were all to lose each other meaning if our mobile phones were to all dye then we would all know how to find each other. 
I will also be driving all my participants to all of these different locations. This means that when travelling from destination to destination I will ensure that all of the participants are wearing their seatbelt’s just incase anything were to happen. As I will be filming at an airport and then on an aeroplane I need to make sure that everyone feels safe and in order to do this. This is why I have said that if anyone feels uncomfortable then they will need to tell someone straight away so then they can deal with the situation. For example if someone see’s any baggage which is left unattended then they will be instructed not to go up and touch the baggage as it could be very dangerous. 
I have also highlighted some box’s red on my risk assessment. This means that the risk will not be occurring in my final trailer. For example I do not believe that anyone is likely to have an allergic reaction when filming as I am not filming with animals or using an chemicals. Another risk that people will not need to worry about is looking into bright lights and using equipment. In my trailer I will be the person filming it meaning that none of my participants will be needing to worry. 

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