Friday 13 November 2015

Detailed narrative of my trailer

Dubai- Dubai International Airport
Emirates Aeroplane
Amersham- Devonshire Avenue
A house in Amersham
London- Chelsea

Amelia: Natasha Pinkney
Best friend: Clemmie Elcock
Stalkers: Luke, Alex
Mum: Maryam Jellal


Toy baby

Costumes Females:

Smart / Casual Attire: Jeans, Top, Blazer, Boots
Dressing Gown
Skirt and Top
T-shirt and Jeans

Costumes Males:

Black hoodies / black leather jackets

Black jeans
Smart Attire: Blazer and trousers


When Amelia was younger her parents put her up for adoption. All they left with Amelia was a photo of the three of them together and then also a silver locket necklace. Amelia carries this everywhere she goes so she feels like her parents are with her. Even though she can’t remember being with her parents at all now she is at a suitable age she wants to go on her own to try and find them. Amelia keeps having the same dream about her parents putting her up for adoption which is starting to really upset her. This is why she wants to find her parents to find out answers. Amelia does a lot of research into where her parents are by looking on the internet, she then finds an old newspaper article online which links her to Dubai. Amelia tells her friend that she wants to go to Dubai as she needs to find out why they never kept her. However when she gets to Dubai everything goes wrong. Someone must know that she is in Dubai, she then gets followed outside her apartment/ hotel. Amelia then decides to leave her hotel room where she goes an explores the beautiful city of Dubai however she soon realises that she is getting watched and followed again. She doesn't know what to do. Amelia runs back to her hotel room where she facetimes her friend in a panic telling her what has gone on. However minutes later she starts hearing noises she doesn't know what to do so she runs into her room and gets under the bed. The men know she is here and then the final scene is of her screaming and being pulled from underneath the bed. I wanted to leave it on a cliff hanger as I feel like it will be really effective, especially in making the audience scared. I also wanted to leave the audience thinking what is going to happen next which could also help in then coming to watch the actual film itself. Are these men linked to Amelia's parents or not? Have Amelia's parents done something which is why she ended up in adoption?

The storyboard that I have created shows a brief summary of what I hope my final trailer is going to look like. However when filming I might come up with new ideas in which I think will be better for the trailer itself.

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