Friday 19 June 2015

Definitions of Micro and Macro Analysis

Micro is all about the smaller analysis of the text and what you should include in the analysis, however you should always then start to bring in the macro analysis in order to support your answer and what you are saying. 

The main points in the micro analysis is the cinematography, mise-en-scene and sound whereas with macro analysis this is in much more detail meaning I would talk about the genre, representation, audience, institution and narrative.  


Cinematography is also known as the director, this means that they are one of the most important people in the film. The director is in charge of all the camerawork throughout the film. This means that they are the person that is in charge of actually shooting the whole film. They are also in charge of the camera and lighting departments. This links in with micro analysis as when you would be analysing the extract you would talk about the different camera angles that have been used. You would also talk about the different movement that has gone on and also the types of editing. 

Link to different types of editing;


The mise-en-scene in a film is the location / scenery that the film has been set in. This means that when analysing you could also talk about the different props that have been used. There are 5 main elements of Mise-en-scene.  

The settings and props are very important as this sets the scene, the audience would also be able to get an idea in their head about what they think is going to happen in the scene however they could easily be manipulated as something that they might not be expecting could jump out on them. 

Woman In Black:

With the costumes and hair this then means that the audience would be able to tell where the film is set and the time the film is set in. It could also show the different characters status as some characters may come across a lot poorer than others meaning this would be something to talk about when analysing. 

Facial expressions and Body language:
The facial expressions and body language then provide a clear idea about how someone is feeling in the scene for example someone could be really annoyed whereas someone else could be really happy. This would be shown if someone is smiling a lot or just has a straight face and keeps making facial gestures eg rolling their eyes or raising their eyebrows.  The body language of a person would also show the audience how they are feeling towards one another.

example images from the slide share;

The colour of the scene can also help when analysing for example the whole film may be black and white which immediately would show the audience that the time of the film would be between the 1930's and 1960's. The colour of the scene could also set the mood for example it could make someone feel tense or sad. 

An example of a famous black and white movie is 'To Kill a Mockingbird' which was created in 1962. 

Positioning of characters:
Finally the positioning of the characters can help when analysing as if they have their backs turned to one another then this immediately suggests that they must be in an argument or just do not like each other whereas if the characters are hugging etc and are really close to each other then this could suggest that they get on really well. Meaning that the positing shows the different relationships between each character. 

example images from the slide share;

Finally in the micro analysis is the type of sound that has been used for example the director might have decided to either use non-diegetic sound or diegetic sound. Diegetic sound is when the characters in the film can also hear the sound for example a car horn or someone screaming. Whereas diegetic sound is when only the audience can hear the sound, examples of this is voiceovers (where there is narration throughout the film relating to the different scenes) or music in which sets the scene. 


Macro is when the analysis goes into a lot of detail. The first thing that I might analysis is the representation of the film. Representation is all about how someone or something is portrayed. For example a film about representation is 'Super 8'

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