Wednesday 10 June 2015

Codes and Conventions of 'Jaws'

 Using the slideshare presentation It has allowed me to understand all the conventions of a movie. The first typical convention that has been used is that someone has died within the first 5 minutes of the movie. This immediately makes the movie really tense and sets the atmosphere for the rest of the movie. Non-digetic music has also been used in this scene which only the audience can hear, the music is tense which also links into this convention. The camera also is focusing mainly on the girl which also suggests to the audience that something is going to happen to her in which a few seconds later it does.
Another convention is the 'scheduled location' this is used at the beginning when it shows the boy and the girl by themselves running off towards the sea. It also shows that they are the only ones on the beach meaning no one is around them to help. The boy is also drunk meaning that the girl is completely by herself really. 

Finally a fake scare has also been used along with the tense music to really set the atmosphere but also to scare the audience at the same time. The girl doesnt know what is going  on however the audience do meaning there is tension building up to the big scare and fake scares a long the lines to add to this.

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