Thursday 17 September 2015

The Purpose of a Trailer 

A trailer is an advertisement or a commercial for a feature film that will be used in the future at a cinema. The term 'trailer' comes from their having originally been shown at the end of a feature film screening. However the audience would always leave the screen at the end meaning they would miss all the future trailers. Therefore trailers are now shown at the beginning of the film as more people are likely to see the trailers and then come and see the film in the future.

The main purpose of a trailer is to promote and advertise the film before it is released into the cinemas. The trailer is also there to inform the audience and therefore potential viewers. This means that in the trailer it is a short snippet of what the film is all about- however the trailer is there to encourage the viewers to go and watch the whole film. Films also have different genres e.g action, horror, comedy, thriller etc this means that each of the trailers will be portrayed in many different ways in order to try and capture the audience’s attention. Another purpose of having a film trailer is to leave the audience with a feeling on anticipation and the urge to want to go and see the film. There are also 'teaser trailers' which are trailers before the main trailer itself actually comes out. A very popular one at the moment that has been released is Batman vs. Spiderman.

The teaser trailer will only give a small amount of information away however because the main characters are so successful they will rely on the original films huge success and the viewers ability to relate their past experiences with the new trailer.

The music in the trailer is also very important as depending on the genre without the soundtrack the whole effect of the trailer may not be able to be achieved. The music is very effective as it establishes the most appropriate mood and tone throughout the trailer. Even without the visuals a definite mood can be created through the choice of music types and instruments.

In order for film companies to reach their unique selling point, they will need a large audience so that they have the potential of gaining a much profit as possible. This does link back to the purpose of the trailer as if the trailer wasn't very good then people wouldn't be interested in coming to see the film. This is why the trailer needs to be exciting and interesting as possible. Some films have different trailers that concentrate on aspects of the film in order to appeal to a larger audience.

 Overall film trailers are now becoming increasing popular on the web. There are approximately 10 billion videos that are watched online annually and film trailers now rank number #3 after the news and user-created videos. One of the most popular film trailers at the moment is James Bond 'Specture' 

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