Tuesday 27 October 2015

Progress Log - First day of filming

First day filming:

October 27th - Today was my first day of filming in the city of Dubai. I took a range of shots meaning that the audience will be able to see different parts of the city. One of my favourite shots was a long shot of the city, as there are so many sky scrapers in the city this meant that it looked really good when shooting here. I also feel like with these shots i will be able to put some good background music over them meaning it will help with making the city look amazing. 

I also got some good shots of some of the most famous places in the city such as the Burj Khalifa meaning that I can include short shots of this in my final trailer. I will be including these shots in the middle and towards the end of my trailer as i feel like this is where they are most likely to fit in. Overall I am really pleased with my first day of filming. 

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