Tuesday 27 October 2015

Progress Log - First day of filming

First day filming:

October 27th - Today was my first day of filming in the city of Dubai. I took a range of shots meaning that the audience will be able to see different parts of the city. One of my favourite shots was a long shot of the city, as there are so many sky scrapers in the city this meant that it looked really good when shooting here. I also feel like with these shots i will be able to put some good background music over them meaning it will help with making the city look amazing. 

I also got some good shots of some of the most famous places in the city such as the Burj Khalifa meaning that I can include short shots of this in my final trailer. I will be including these shots in the middle and towards the end of my trailer as i feel like this is where they are most likely to fit in. Overall I am really pleased with my first day of filming. 

Thursday 22 October 2015

Location Moodboard

Writing a letter to request to film in locations

Devonshire Avenue
HA11 8GH

To whom it may concern,

My name is Annabelle Madzia and I am in my final year of sixth form at ‘The Misbourne’ school in Great Missenden. I currently take media as an A-Level option as we have been given the task to create a film trailer which will count for 60% of my final overall grade. This means that I have been spending a lot of time researching the type of trailer I want to create and I want the final trailer to look like.

The genre that I have decided to follow for my final trailer is thriller. I choose this trailer as I felt like it would be a lot more exciting to film and I would perform better doing this genre. I have now come up with the storyboard of my final idea; however I will need some permission to film in certain places.

This is why I am writing this letter to ask you if it would be possible to film in your hotel, the Dusit Residence on the 26th October 2015. I will be needing to film in this location as the apartment room plays a major role in the end of my trailer. I also want to film here as I will have the amazing view looking over Dubai in the background. I will make sure that I am really professional when filming in this location and will not disturb any other guests that are staying at the hotel.  I was hoping that I would be able to film between 2-6pm

It would be a great opportunity to me if you were to agree and give me permission as I feel like this would really help me in creating the best trailer that I could create.

Yours Faithfully

Annabelle Madzia 

Timeline of my whole project

I have now completed my final timeline of what I am going to do over the next 22 weeks. The timeline shows me what I will be doing each week in order to produce my final film trailer without getting behind schedule. 

The Distribution and Marketing of a film trailer

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Film Institutions

Friday 16 October 2015

Survey Monkey

Create your own user feedback survey

I then created a short questionnaire in which I found out my own research. I thought this research would help me when coming up with ideas to do with my final trailer.