Monday 7 March 2016


This is my final promotional poster, I'm really pleased with my overall poster as I never thought that i would be able to produce something like this. I decided to take the photos when filming the final parts for my trailer. Before creating the poster I did research online by looking at professional posters. I then followed the basic guide lines into what to include on this trailer. I downloaded the software photoshop to edit this photo. I had never used photoshop before meaning it took me a while to understand how to actually use the software itself. I did a lot of research in Youtube videos meaning that I watched many different tutorials to get a basic understanding of how to use Photoshop.

But I am really pleased with how the image turned out. I feel that it looks very professional and all the font on the page works really well together. I have only used 3 different colours for the font as I didn't want it to look over crowded and ruin the poster. I selected the colour red as the title of my trailer is 'Bad Blood' and when most people think of the word 'BAD' it usually has connotations of danger and blood. This is why I decided to write the word in red. The white writing can also have connotations of innocence.  This links in with my trailer as the girl who is trying to find her parents thinks she is actually going to meet them however it is actually a trap. 

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