Thursday 10 December 2015

Film Magazines Moodboard

I have created a mood board of different film magazines. A magazine is a great way of reaching out to the audience and telling them everything about the film. It is also a good way of people finding out about the film itself. However in order for the magazine to catch the audience eye's the picture will need to be very professional. This means that the picture will have to stand out for the audience. This could be through direct mode of address. This means that the characters eyes on the front cover will be looking directly into the audience eyes. This can be very effective as it can almost feel like the audience is being watched. The colours on the magazine can also be very effective as they can link in with the genre of the film itself.

Tuesday 8 December 2015

Poster's Analysis

I have analysed three different film posters. I have written about the poster itself and what it includes on the poster. By doing this it has helped me in thinking about ideas in what I want my final film poster to look like. I want my final poster to stand out but also be clear about what the genre of the film is. I have also learnt different techniques which I am going to include in my film poster.